An argumentative synthesis (college research) essay involves the arguing of a pa
An argumentative synthesis (college research) essay involves the arguing of a particular interpretation (your thesis) of the meaning of a text or about a topic central to a field of study. In addition, it places your argument “in conversation” with other people (scholars) discussing this same text. It should delineate trending topics within the field (literature review), present ongoing conversations among scholars (synthesis) and place your argument within this discussion (rebuttal and argumentation). For this final essay, we will utilize one primary source (unless you are focusing instead upon a trending topic within a field) and six secondary sources. Brainstorm. Identify a trending topic or a text (film, novel, TV show, poem, etc.).
Step 2: Locate 1 primary and six secondary sources providing contrasting understandings of what the message is of your selected text or about the trending topic you are exploring.
Step 3: Organize your thoughts and develop a thesis supporting your own particular interpretation of this text or view of this topic.
Step 4: Develop an outline for your essay. Your essay should include a literature review section (2-3 paragraphs ideally), a rebuttal section (a single paragraph roughly), and multiple body paragraphs focused as is typical upon synthesis and argumentation. 5 pages (excluding work cited page) and MLA style.