creating a PowerPoint presentation on data-based decision-making for students with special needs.
Create a PowerPoint presentation including speaker notes for a 10-minute presentation (15-20 slide presentation, excluding the title and reference slides) from the perspective of an administrator/leader in education for pre-service or in-service teachers. The goals of the PowerPoint include the utilization of data-based decision-making with a student with special needs in:
1. Assessment 2. Evaluation 3. Evidence-based practice 4. Data-based decision-making. In the Notes section, write as if you were presenting the PowerPoint to your audience. The PowerPoint slides must adhere to APA style and formatting and include at least four references. Include a reference list adhering to APA style and formatting for the references. Instructions
Assume the audience has minimal knowledge of assessment, evaluation, evidence-based practice, or data-based decision-making regarding evaluating students with special needs. Identify your audience on your title slide (e.g., Special Education Services: Professional Development for Pre-Service Teachers). Supporting evidence from the course readings must be incorporated throughout. Additionally, you must incorporate at least one other scholarly source (e.g., a peer-reviewed journal article or a scholarly book such as the Swanson, Harris, and Graham textbook). Limit the presentation to professional graphics and font choice. The slides should not contain too many words. Some slides should contain bulleted information with one or two graphics to keep the presentation visually appealing. Be sure you are formatting as per the current APA edition.
The presentation must include 15-20 slides, excluding the title and references slides. Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.