Assignment 1 Systems Planning Vision Statement
Assignment Instructions
Assignment 1 Systems Planning Vision Statement
Assignment Instructions
The purpose of this assignment is to create a Vision Statement for your Case Study project so that we can summarize the important features of the new system. This also provides an opportunity for you gain insight to the Case Study and its scope for future development activities.
1. System Vision Document
During systems analysis one of the tasks we need to complete is to plan for the project so that we understand the components that will be needed for our project. Although many tasks occur during the early stages/phases of system development, one of the deliverables (work products) is the System Vision Document which provides an executive summary in bare essentials of a statement of the problem we are trying to solve, the capabilities and features of the system, constraints, risks, stakeholders, and other features.
2. Discussions and Examples
The following provides links to a discussion on vision statements and how to create one. Review these references before you create your Vision statement for our Case Study. Please see the Additional Resources for a discussion of a Vision Statement and how to create one.
2.1 See the discussion of a Vision statement and what goes into a Vision statement below:
IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management. Vision Document. Retrieved from
2.2 See the discussion on how to create a Vision statement below:
Developing a vision. (n.d.). Retrieved from
This document discusses how to create a Vision statement.
3. Develop a Vision Document for our Case Study.
Use our Case Study as a basis for your project and Vision Document. Download the Vision Document Template 2021 and rename as Assignment1SystemsPlanningVisionYourFirstNameYourLastName using your name. Complete the contents and follow the directions in the document. The document includes the following sections.
1. Introduction
2. Positioning
3. Stakeholder and User Descriptions
4. Product Overview