You can change topic according to The Journal of Law and Economics https://www.j

You can change topic according to The Journal of Law and Economics https://www.j

You can change topic according to The Journal of Law and Economics requirements. However, LEGAL BASIS OF THE STATUS OF CITIES these words must be in topic. please do highest quality work you can. Please follow styling and formatting of this journal. This work must be so good to publish in this journal.
Statement of policy
Manuscriipt submission
Preparing files for online submission
Submitting your manuscriipt
After acceptance
Guidelines for manuscriipt preparation
The Journal of Law and Economics style
Correcting and returning your page proofs
Statement of policy
Papers submitted to the Journal of Law and Economics must not have been published and must not be under consideration elsewhere. We do not publish book reviews.
Submission fee. The JLE charges a $100 submission fee for nonsubscribers and a $75 submission fee for individual subscribers to the JLE. Our office will contact you with information about how to pay the submission fee when your manuscriipt is sent to a reviewer. Please note that credit card charges are processed through the University of Chicago Press’s business office and will appear as PRESS BOOKS on your credit card statement. A decision will not be released until your fee has been paid.
Peer review. Manuscriipts are reviewed in a single-blind process: the identities of authors are revealed to referees, but referees remain anonymous. Your manuscriipt should include a title page with each author’s name and contact information.
Disclosure statement. All submissions, including revisions, must be accompanied by this JLE disclosure statement form. Only this form may be used. This requirement applies even when the authors have no relevant interests to disclose. Authors must provide a separate JLE disclosure statement form for each coauthor at the time of submission. Authors are required to declare and acknowledge any material conflict of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any people, organizations, companies, or institutions connected to the manuscriipt. The statements must also disclose if Institutional Review Board approval was obtained for the project, and if not, the reasons. Submissions that do not include the JLE disclosure statement form will be considered incomplete and will not be reviewed. See the JLE’s disclosure policy for details.
Data. It is the policy of the JLE to publish papers only if the data used in the analysis are clearly and precisely documented and are readily available to any researcher for purposes of replication. Authors of accepted papers that contain empirical work, simulations, or experimental work must provide to the JLE, prior to publication, the data, programs, and other details of the computations sufficient to permit replication. These will be posted on the JLE website. Your cover letter should indicate to the editors at the time of submission if the data used in a paper are proprietary or if, for some other reason, the requirements above cannot be met. The JLE does not take responsibility for reviewing or testing data or statistical code used in published papers. See the JLE’s data policy for details.
Critiques of JLE articles. The Journal of Law and Economics will consider publishing critiques of JLE articles. Any critique should first be shared with the author. This can be done directly, or you may submit the critique to, and we will forward it to the author. Please indicate whether you do or do not wish anonymity. Any reply that we receive from the authors will be forwarded to the email address that submitted the critique to
If the matter is not resolved after dialogue with the authors, you may submit a critique for possible publication that gives your analysis of the points in dispute. Include with your submission any responses from the author that you have received directly. We will send your critique first to the author, who will be given the opportunity to submit a reply for possible publication alongside the critique. We will then submit both your critique and the author’s reply to our normal editorial process, including review by referees. We will communicate the results of that process to both you and the authors. Please note that the JLE does not publish anonymous articles. Accordingly, submission of a critique for publication will constitute a waiver of anonymity.
Please send any questions to
Ethical violations. The editors of the JLE will investigate reports of ethical violations such as plagiarism, tampering with the refereeing process, and falsifying data that are brought to our attention. If the ethical violation becomes known only after publication, the editors of the JLE will investigate to determine whether there should be a formal retraction.
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Manuscriipt submission
Preparing files for online submission
Manuscriipts must be in English and begin with a title page that includes the names, e-mail addresses, and affiliations of all authors and an abstract of 150 or fewer words. Text should be double spaced. Any reasonable citation style is fine for submission purposes: our Web site style sheets are for accepted papers only.

File formats. The preferred format for submitting manuscriipts online is Microsoft Word (.doc). If you are unable to submit a Microsoft Word file, Editorial Manager will also accept LaTeX (.tex), WordPerfect (.wpd), Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), and Rich Text Format (.rtf) files.

File content. Manuscriipts are preferred as separate files for text and for figures. Alternatively, you may submit a single file with figures, tables, and images included in the main document. You may submit a cover letter in a second file, either in the same format as your main text file or in plain text format (ASCII file). Disclosure statements and submission fee forms are required for submission.
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Submitting your manuscriipt
Manuscriipts should be submitted via the Journal of Law and Economics Editorial Manager site. The system relies on automated processing to create an Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) file from your submission. Step-by-step instructions will guide you through the process. If you have problems, please contact for assistance. You will receive an e-mail confirmation from the system when your submission is checked in and sent to the editors.
It is not necessary to suggest reviewers for your paper. If you choose to do so, please note that you must suggest at least five reviewers if you would like your suggestions to be considered. Please do not include suggestions for referees in your submission’s cover letter: your cover letter is built into the pdf file with your submission and will be seen by referees.
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After acceptance
Guidelines for manuscriipt preparation
After your manuscriipt has been accepted, it will be edited in accordance with the practice of The Journal of Law and Economics and the University of Chicago Press. With some exceptions, we use The Chicago Manual of Style, Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, and our in-house style sheets. The University of Chicago Press offers specific instructions for tables (Manuscriipt preparation – tables), figures (Manuscriipt preparation – artwork), and math (Manuscriipt preparation – math).
The Journal of Law and Economics style
Each figure or table should begin on a separate page. Manuscriipts submitted for publication should be double spaced throughout (including footnotes, tables, and figure legends). The manuscriipt must be arranged in the following order:

Title page
Abstract (strict limit of 150 words)
Text and citations
Reference list
Figure legends
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For general matters of style, The Journal of Law and Economics follows The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition, published by The University of Chicago Press.

The Journal of Law and Economics uses the following subheadings (in this order):
1. Arabic Numbers, Boldface Font, Cap and Lower Case
1.1. Arabic Numbers, Italic Font, Cap and Lower Case
1.1.1. Arabic Numbers, Cap and Lower Case
Run-in Text, Italic Font, Cap and Lower Case.
If only three levels of subheads are used, omit the third-level subhead (1.1.1. Arabic Numbers, Cap and Lower Case).
Each figure and table must be mentioned in the text in order of its appearance. All figures and tables, including those in appendixes, must be mentioned in the text.

Do not use “etc.,” “e.g.,” or “i.e.” anywhere. Please spell these out as “and so on” or “and the like,” “for example,” and “namely” or “that is.”

Latin phrases such as ceteris paribus, res ipsa loquitur, in situ, and ex post are not italicized.
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One author
T: Following Ely (1980), we argue that
R: Ely, John Hart. 1980. Democracy and Distrust: A Theory of Judicial Review. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Two authors
T: As demonstrated elsewhere (Daniels and Martin 1995),
R: Daniels, Stephen, and Joanne Martin. 1995. Civil Injuries and the Politics of Reform. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
Three authors
T: As suggested by Cecil, Lind, and Bermant (1987),
R: Cecil, Joe S., E. Allan Lind, and Gordon Bermant. 1987. Jury Service in Lengthy Civil Trials. Washington, D.C.: Federal Judicial Center.
More than three authors
T: Following the research design in Turner et al. (2002),
R: Turner, Charles F., Susan M. Rogers, Heather G. Miller, William C. Miller, James N. Gribble, James R. Chromy, Peter A. Leone, Phillip C. Cooley, Thomas C. Quinn, and Jonathan M. Zenilman. 2002. “Untreated Gonococcal and Chlamydial Infection in a Probability Sample of Adults.” Journal of the American Medical Association 287:726-33.
Institutional author
T: (U.S. Department of Justice 1992)
R: U.S. Department of Justice. Office of Justice Programs. Bureau of Justice Statistics. 1992. Civil Justice Survey of State Courts. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.
No author
T: (Journal of the Assembly 1822, 952-53).
R: Journal of the Assembly of the State of New York at Their Forty-fifth Session, Begun and Held at the Capitol, in the City of Albany, the First Day of January, 1822. 1822. Albany: Cantine & Leake.
With locating information
(Hovenkamp 1994, 366-69)
(Wiel 1911, 1:792-831; Scott and Coustalin 1995)
(Smith 2003, chap. 11; Jennings 1998, fig. 2a)
Craswell (2003, 255 n. 13)-where note 13 is on page 255
Craswell (2003, 254 and n. 11)-where note 11 is not on page 254
With simple signal
(see, for example, Corcoran 2004; Mullen 2000)
(see especially Demsetz 1967, 350)
Chatty in-text citation
(see Polinsky and Shavell [1979, 1984], for a discussion)
We use a biweight kernel with a smoothing parameter optimized on the assumption that the underlying data are normally distributed (see Silverman [1986] and Stine [1996] for more information on kernel estimation).
More than one work
Clermont and Eisenberg (1992, 1998)
More than one work in a year
T: (White 1991a, C1)
R: White, James A. 1991a. “Shareholder-Rights Movement Sways a Number of Big Companies.” Wall Street Journal, April 4.
Multiple authors and works
(Witte 1980; Grogger 1991; Levitt 1997)
Chapter in a book
T: Holmes (1988) argues that
R: Holmes, Stephen. 1988. “Precommitment and the Paradox of Democracy.” 195-240 in Constitutionalism and Democracy, edited by John Elster and Rune Slagstad. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Chapter in a multivolume work
T: Schwartz and Sykes (1998) differ from this view
R: Schwartz, Warren F., and Alan O. Sykes. 1998. “Most-Favoured-Nation Obligations in International Trade.” In The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law, vol. 2, 660-64, edited by Peter Newman. London: MacMillan.
T: Using the method of Greene (1997), we constructed a model to show
R: Greene, William H. 1997. Econometric Analysis. 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall.
T: (Angell and Ames [1832] 1972, 24)
R: Angell, Joseph Kinniaut, and Samuel Ames. (1832) 1972. “A Treatise on the Law of Private Corporations Aggregate.” Repr., New York: Arno.
Journal article
T: The model used in Levine et al. (1999)
R: Levine, Phillip B., Douglas Staiger, Thomas J. Kane, and David J. Zimmerman. 1999. “Roe v. Wade and American Fertility.” American Journal of Public Health 89:199-203.
Entire issue of a journal
T: The fairness or efficiency benefits of bad-faith laws are discussed at length in Texas Law Review (1994)
R: Texas Law Review. 1994. Symposium: “Law of Bad Faith in Contrast and Insurance.” Special issue, 72:1203-1702.
Magazine or newspaper article with no author
T: had appeared in Newsweek (2000).
R: Newsweek. 2000. “ Gets Ripped.” September 18.
Magazine or newspaper article with author(s)
T: (Mathews and DeBaise 2000)
R: Mathews, Anna Wilde, and Colleen DeBaise. 2000. “ Deal Ends Lawsuit on Copyrights.” Wall Street Journal, November 11.
Unpublished manuscriipt
T: (Daughety and Reinganum 2002)
R: Daughety, Andrew F., and Jennifer F. Reinganum. 2002. “Exploiting Future Settlements: A Signaling Model of Most-Favored-Nation Clauses in Settlement Bargaining.” Unpublished manuscriipt. Vanderbilt University, Department of Economics, August.
Working paper
T: (Eisenberg and Wells 2002)
R: Eisenberg, Theodore, and Martin T. Wells. 2002. “Trial Outcomes and Demographics: Is There a Bronx Effect?” Working paper. Cornell University Law School, Ithaca, N.Y.
Numbered working paper
T: (Glaeser and Sacerdote 2000)
R: Glaeser, Edward L., and Bruce Sacerdote. 2000. “The Determinants of Punishment: Deterrence, Incapacitation and Vengeance.” Working Paper no. 7676. National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, Mass.
T: In International Salt Co. v. United States (332 U.S. 392 [1947]), for example,
R: Do not include cases in the reference list
Subsequent in-text citations of case
(332 U.S. 397)
(International Salt, 332 U.S. at 398).
Personal correspondence/communication
T: as asserted by Welch (1998)
R: Welch, Thomas. 1998. Letter to author, January 15.
Stable URL
T: According to the Federal Trade Commission (1999),
R: Federal Trade Commission. 1999. “State Agencies Administering Franchise Disclosure Laws.” (last updated June 16, 1999).
Data set
T: We ran regressions on the number of crimes committed during the period (U.S. Department of Justice 1973-99)
R: U.S. Department of Justice. Bureau of Justice Statistics. 1973Ð99. Capital Punishment in the United States (computer file). Ann Arbor, Mich.: Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research.
In press
T: (Spier 2003)
R: Spier, Kathryn E. 2003. “The Use of Most-Favored-Nations Clauses in Settlement of Litigation.” RAND Journal of Economics 34 (forthcoming).
T: One study (Joyce, forthcoming) includes the District of Columbia
R: Joyce, Ted. Forthcoming. “Did Legalized Abortion Lower Crime?” Journal of Human Resources.
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An acknowledgment note should be included and placed at the beginning of the footnotes.
Footnotes must be substantive and cannot contain purely bibliographic material. Simple citations must be in the text.
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Footnotes in appendixes should be numbered consecutively with those in the rest of the text.
Numbering of equations, tables, and figures in appendixes should begin again with 1 (Equation A1, Table A1, Figure A1, and so on, for Appendix A; Equation B1, Table B1, Figure B1, and so on, for Appendix B).
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Each table must be mentioned in the text in order of its appearance. All tables, including those in appendixes, must be mentioned in the text.
Tables follow the style given in chapter 13 of The Chicago Manual of Style and must be formatted according to our Guidelines for tables.
No more than one table should appear on a page. All elements of tables, including the notes, must be double spaced; tables may run more than one page.
Tables should have brief titles. All explanatory material should be provided in notes at the bottom of the table.
Identify all quantities, units of measurement, and abbreviations for all entries. What is clear to you may not be clear to the general reader of The Journal of Law and Economics.
Sources should be identified in full at the bottom of the each table. Do not give cross-references to footnotes elsewhere in the article.
Significance levels are denoted in separate notes as follows: + P < .10; * P < .05; ** P < .01. - top - Figures Each figure must be mentioned in the text in order of its appearance. All figures, including those in appendixes, must be mentioned in the text. Titles to figures should be placed together on a separate double-spaced page labeled Figure Legends. Each figure should be formatted according to our Guidelines for artwork. Please delete any figure boxes or rules around the figures. In general, finished figures can be only 4.5 inches wide. Keys to identifying items in the figure should be set within the figure or at the top or bottom to avoid having to reduce the figure to fit them horizontally in the allotted space. Please use the Times Roman font if there is any lettering or text in your figure (for a better match to the text of the article). Type must not be smaller than 7 points. Figures should not be in color and should not contain shading. If distinctions must be made visually, please use hatching and cross hatching or another means of display. Shading is difficult to reproduce and often looks blotchy in the printed journal. - top - Correcting and returning your page proofs Please follow the directions below and return the corrected page proofs to the managing editor via courier or emailed scan within 7 days. The corresponding author is responsible for coordinating all corrections and returning the page proofs. We will enter corrections only from the corresponding author’s proofs. Access your page proofs. When your page proofs are ready, we will email them to you as a pdf file. Download and print your page proofs, making sure that your Adobe Acrobat printing orientation is set to “auto portrait/landscape” so that broadside tables and figures print properly. Read your proofs. Please read the page proofs carefully and answer all queries addressed to you. (Queries are indicated in the margins by Q1, Q2, Q3, and so on; the queries themselves appear on a separate page at the end of the page proofs.) Make all changes directly on the page proofs—and please write legibly! Pay close attention to the appearance of figures and to special characters such as Greek letters and mathematical symbols, which can be altered during conversion to our editing programs. All changes must be indicated on the page proofs. If you must rewrite or add significant portions of text, please email them to the managing editor when you return your proofs. (Note that making an excessive number of changes at this stage may result in your paper being rescheduled for a later issue.) You will not see your paper again before publication, so all changes must be made at this time. Please do not include a cover letter detailing the changes: we will contact you if we have questions as we enter your changes. To ensure that your changes are received and entered correctly, we cannot accept electronically annotated PDFs containing your corrections. Complimentary copies. As a contributor to the Journal, each coauthor will receive two complimentary copies of the issue in which the paper appears. When the issue is printed, the printer will mail the complimentary copies for all coauthors to the corresponding author. Return your proofs. Please return your corrected page proofs to the managing editor within 7 days of receipt via email ( or courier to the following address: The Journal of Law and Economics University of Chicago Law School 1111 East 60th Street Chicago, IL 60637

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