Select two of these.
The minimum word count is 1500 words each. A minimum of ten references for each is required.Be sure you fully cite all sources–note that the link to a website is not considered a sufficient citation of the source. You may use your textbook, HR-Related websites (as noted below and others), blogs, YouTube videos, etc. The core standard for plagiarism is no more than 25% unoriginal material as determined by Turnitin. Be sure to review the course policy regarding the use of AI-generated material. Do not incorporate AI-generated material into your writing directly without paraphrasing it. The course standard for AI generated material is zero as determined by Turnitin.
You can use the links below as a starting point for each concept. Be sure you consider multiple stakeholders in your response and do not do anything that could be construed as illegal.
If you provide me with links, be sure the links will work for me and are not protected by your password.
Be sure to do a Grammarly check on your assignment (the free version is ok) and correct most, if not all, the writing concerns identified.
Suggested Concept assignment Topics:
Company Websites for Recruitment Starting point: Select company website of your choice—not your current or former employers.
HR Analytics Starting point:
Impact of New Illinois Employment Laws Starting Point: New Employee Rights Laws
Job Posting Board Starting point: Capterra
Recruitment Development Optimization Starting point: and/or
Robotization Starting point:
Video Interviewing Software: Starting point:
the selection of two topics, each with a minimum word count of 1500 words and a minimum of ten references, to discuss and analyze in depth, including multiple stakeholders, potential legal implications, and utilizing various sources such as company
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