“Applying Organizational Leadership Principles to Real-Life Problems: A Case Study Approach” “Exploring the Impact of Climate on Interpersonal Communication and Team Dynamics: A Study of Leadership Styles, Problem Solving Approaches, and Motivation Strategies”

“Applying Organizational Leadership Principles to Real-Life Problems: A Case Study Approach” “Exploring the Impact of Climate on Interpersonal Communication and Team Dynamics: A Study of Leadership Styles, Problem Solving Approaches, and Motivation Strategies”

Research Project MSOL 6115 – Each student in MSOL6115 will prepare a 10–12-page research paper. I REQUIRE that all students talk to me on the phone at least one time about their term paper. My office number is 706-507-8166 my mobile number is 706-332-3206. Call me anytime during the day– my office formal office hours will be posted but I am available most days. Pick a topic and use a case study approach. For this class, the case study approach is to analyze in detail a situation or a problem (current or past). Describe the problem and POTENTIALLY how you solve the problem or analyze how you solved a problem in the past and or describe why the problem cannot be solved. The problem can be anything in your work or personal life. The problem should be as small as possible. The smaller the better. IE. Going out to dinner with your significant other takes too long to decide where to go; motivating your children, troopers, etc.; it can be anything if you apply some of the principles we discuss in class. If you use this approach you can use the same general format as a traditional research paper. Do not overthink it. I am looking to see if you can apply information from this class to your personal or work lives? Show me that you are thinking about the material we cover. That is the emphasis for this assignment.
The following is an outline of how to write a classic research paper. My suggestion is to roughly follow this format. Each paper is different and if your paper does not follow this format- NO PROBLEM. The purpose of this paper is for you to solve a problem or propose a solution to a problem or analyze a problem and show me that you can use the materials from our class in everyday situations. Research Paper Requirements In preparing your manuscript, you have the following general requirements:
Where applicable (e.g., literature citations, preparation of tables and figures), follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Your manuscript must be typewritten, double-spaced with a 12-point font. Tables and figures in the manuscript should be placed on separate pages after the page on which they are first cited. Make frequent use of headings and sub-headings using the APA Publication Manual as a guide.
Clarity of presentation is as important as content of presentation. Your manuscript must be well-written, free of grammatical errors, and written in the appropriate style. Introduction and Literature Review Uses recent literature to develop arguments for the proposed study; citations are tied logically to the research problem rather than presented in bits and pieces of uncoordinated information.
Provides a succinct statement of purpose of the proposed study.
Explains basic ideas and arguments clearly enough to be understood by readers outside the topic area.
Demonstrates an understanding of the literature related to the problem studied.
Measures/Methods Proposed study variables are clearly indicated.
Justifies use of measures of all variables based on purpose, theory, or previous research.
Discusses how the proposed study will solve a problem. Answers the question regarding the proposed study’s importance: So, what?
Identifies any limitations/problems and defends the proposed study.
Overall Format and Style
Uses appropriate headings and subheadings throughout the manuscript.
Uses correct spelling and grammar.
Uses a clear and concise writing style.
Uses past or present perfect tense in the literature review section.
Uses future tense verbs in the proposition statements and in the Method section.
The paper should address an issue in your personal or work life. The following are ideas for the paper. These are examples of ideas or how you can think about your paper. In a paper think about some outcome you are trying to achieve. In your personal life it might be motivation – or the motivation of your children. In your work life it can be anything. Rewards – Intrinsic or Extrinsic
Group climate
Communication – styles – timing Listening approaches
Problem solving approaches
Pay Leadership style Gender – or some demographic variable -Age/Tenure/
Anything can be an independent variable.
Motivation approaches Personal Communication
Personal Interactions Psychological Safety
Team effectiveness Team or group performance measures Discrimination – Gender – Race – LGBT – Combat Experience
Communication effectiveness
Job Satisfaction
Organizational Citizenship Behavior Team or Group Cohesion
Motivating your children
An outcome involving your Interpersonal relations – spouse, family, or coworkers-
Any interpersonal outcome.

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