Each student is required to submit a research proposal (please look up the

Each student is required to submit a research proposal (please look up the

Each student is required to submit a research proposal (please look up the meaning of a ‘research proposal’) for their final paper. The subject of the final paper is “An Ethical Framework for Doing Business” in a specific country with a free trade agreement with the United States of America (consult “The Office of the United States Trade Representative” for a list of countries].  The subject matter covers best practices for doing business ethically, legally, effectively, and in a culturally sensitive manner in pursuit of business goals in a foreign country. 
Students are required to submit a two or three-page research proposal for the final paper detailing,

A specific topic for the final paper:  “An Ethical Framework for doing Business in [Country with a Free Trade Agreement with the US)”
A brief review of academic literature about the topic
A Rationale (logic, significance, and relevance) for the final paper
Any relevant background information about the topic/country, etc.
A summary of the methods and sources that will be used in the final paper
A preview of the ‘expected’ results and/or conclusions of the final paper (note: this may change as the research progresses).

Students must identify the specific country that will be the focus of the paper in their research proposal. 
For greater specificity and quality, students must limit the scope of their final paper to a specific sector, industry, or a specific hypothetical business venture.
Submissions must be made as Microsoft Word documents, formatted in APA style (please also see School of Business Writing Manual). 
Please note that the Final Paper (Session Seven) must incorporate sources and information gleaned throughout the class: Annotated Bibliography, the Survey Questionnaire, Case Studies, Article Reviews, principles, concepts, and theories discussed in the text, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), and other additional sources encountered during research.

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