Chapter 5-Understanding Learners with Special Needs: High-Incidence Disabilities
Chapter 5-Understanding Learners with Special Needs: High-Incidence Disabilities or Conditions, p. 122-152.
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Building Bridges to Practice, Issues & Applications and Reflection Journal
a) Reread the “Working Together” feature on p.130 in the textbook.
b) Respond to these questions:
(1) What questions might Mr. Ellis ask at the IEP team meeting?
(2) How can the speech and language therapist help Mr. Ellis understand why the label is being changed?
(3) What information should Mr. Patton provide to Mrs. Lupino?
(4) How can the special education teacher work with the three students with disabilities in Mrs. Lupino’s class?
(5) Reflection: Based on your new knowledge of working with students with high-incidence disabilities or conditions list five ideas that you have found important and a description of why those ideas are significant to you and your teaching practice.…