Education & Teaching

  • Designing Classrooms of the Future Assessment Complete the chart below which tak

    Designing Classrooms of the Future Assessment Complete the chart below which tak Designing Classrooms of the Future Assessment Complete the chart below which takes a traditional lesson and transforms it to meet the needs of the 21st Century student in your classroom, making sure you utilize collaboration and technology.

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  • Description: You will consider issues related to inequality in 19th-century educ

    Description: You will consider issues related to inequality in 19th-century educ Description: You will consider issues related to inequality in 19th-century education and consider whether schooling reinforced patterns of racial and ethnic inequality, or if education altered prevailing social structures and moved the United States toward a more equal, democratic society. Learning Outcomes: After this…

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  • Technology Demonstration or Problem-of-the-Day: During each class, pre-selected

    Technology Demonstration or Problem-of-the-Day: During each class, pre-selected Technology Demonstration or Problem-of-the-Day: During each class, pre-selected candidate(s) will choose one of the following activities and present a five–minute “warm-up” for the class: Present an instructional math activity (not games or drill/practice formats) from an on-line interactive website or video source, such as: National LibraryLinks to…

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  • Setting clear behavioral expectations and having a plan to respond should those

    Setting clear behavioral expectations and having a plan to respond should those Setting clear behavioral expectations and having a plan to respond should those expectations not be met are both essential to establishing a positive school culture. Articulating those carefully crafted behavioral expectations to members of the school community is integral to students’ success in…

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  • The Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) se

    The Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) se The Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) section of an Individualized Education Plan should drive all subsequent content of the IEP, including goals and services. Formal assessment data and information gathered via parent/teacher interviews are primary sources of information to create…

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  • 1. Describe 3 collaborative relationships referenced in the assigned reading for

    1. Describe 3 collaborative relationships referenced in the assigned reading for 1. Describe 3 collaborative relationships referenced in the assigned reading for this module. 2. What are the challenges associated with the collaborative relationships you described in question 1? How can you navigate these challenges to facilitate positive collaborative relationships? Read Chapters 1 and 2…

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  • Select two social-emotional theorists and write a 5-page paper that provides an

    Select two social-emotional theorists and write a 5-page paper that provides an Select two social-emotional theorists and write a 5-page paper that provides an in-depth analysis of their views on social-emotional development. In your paper, analyze how the theories relate to the State Developmental Standards, citing specific examples to support your argument. Your analysis should…

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  • Many students struggle academically across content areas because they are perfor

    Many students struggle academically across content areas because they are perfor Many students struggle academically across content areas because they are performing below grade level in reading. The ability to assess students, analyze assessment data, and work with families and other stakeholders to develop specific intervention plans is critical in helping all students achieve their…

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