Psychology homework help

  •  Discuss your interactions with medical or primary care services during your pla

     Discuss your interactions with medical or primary care services during your pla  Discuss your interactions with medical or primary care services during your placement. What types of collaborations are typical for your agency?  Have you heard positive or negative feedback from clients on communication between providers (medical, social care, behavioral health, etc)? (examples)  What are…

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  •   For this discussion, post something to the discussion board related to ethics

      For this discussion, post something to the discussion board related to ethics   For this discussion, post something to the discussion board related to ethics and cultural competence in program evaluation or your Week 5 readings. Here are some ideas to get you started: Thinking about your Program Evaluation and Methodology assignment, discuss the…

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  •    Instructions: Identify a family issue, (22-year-old daughter struggling with

       Instructions: Identify a family issue, (22-year-old daughter struggling with    Instructions: Identify a family issue, (22-year-old daughter struggling with addiction to heroin) research a family therapy approach (locate a relevant peer-reviewed article supporting use of the approach) to address the issue and construct a single-subject (1 family) research design (SSRD) to evaluate the practice…

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  • Assignment details: You will design an evidence-based research study that appli

    Assignment details: You will design an evidence-based research study that appli Assignment details: You will design an evidence-based research study that applies to a behavior reduction or acquisition target for a client. Then, you will create a poster presentation of your completed study. You will also create an annotated bibliography for your sources. Construct a…

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  • Hallo, I need some reference material for a first year psychology student. Can

    Hallo, I need some reference material for a first year psychology student. Can Hallo, I need some reference material for a first year psychology student. Can anyone help? I will need to collect documents on psychology topics in about 1-2 months. It’s great if someone can share them with me. [url=]Penalty Shooters[/url]

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  • For the week’s topics of Anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders and Trauma:

    For the week’s topics of Anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders and Trauma: For the week’s topics of Anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders and Trauma: Abuse, Neglect, and Domestic Violence, analyze the primary arguments presented in either one of additional articles posted on Canvas OR  a relevant empirical, peer-reviewed article of your choosing. Discuss how the author’s perspective…

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