Discuss Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s letter per the instructions below
3) Write
Discuss Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s letter per the instructions below
3) Write an Ethical Issue (not necessarily related to King’s letter) in Proper format per the instructions below
Dr. King (100 words minimum) – After reading Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Letter from a Birmingham Jail in Chapter 1. Discuss the difference between just and unjust laws as outlined by Dr. King. Use your own words to describe and define just and unjust laws. Include a quote from the portion of the letter that you determined best characterized just and unjust laws. Provide in-text citation(s), where appropriate.
Paragraph 3 – Article summary and Ethical Issue – (150 words Minimum)
In this section you will: 1) Research and summarize an article, 2) state the main ethical issue in proper format:
1. Summary
Research a reliable article regarding an incident that occurred within the last six months and contains an ethical issue. Be sure to review the Research Help materials. Look for good ethical conduct as well as bad. Bad ethical conduct is always easier to find since it is not the norm.
Summarize the article. Use your own words. Do not use quotations. Paraphrase the information, and provide in-text citation(s) with the page number(s), where appropriate. In the Works Cited, be sure to include your article, properly formatted including its title, date of publication, and link.
2. Main Ethical Issue – (one sentence in bold print)
State the main ethical/moral issue in question format:
Should ______? or What should ______? For example, Should Jack report Jill for stealing the computer?
Be impartial. Avoid any bias; do not express your own personal opinion; do not use the words, “I think” or “I feel.” For example, proper format – Should Jack report Jill for stealing the computer? Improper format – Should Jack be a good person and report Jill for stealing the computer?
Write just one issue, not two; so, do not use the word “or.” For example. proper format – Should Jack report Jill for stealing the computer? Improper format – Should Jack report Jill for stealing the computer or should Jack keep quiet so he does not get on Jill’s bad side?