Attend two open meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous
You are to submit a 3-5 page paper written in narrative form describing your reactions to both of the meetings and your beliefs concerning the relevance of self-help groups in benefiting clients with addiction issues. You should also relate your experiences to the textbook and other resources. All reaction papers are personal reactions to experiences. All papers need to be typed in APA format with references
This paper is a summary of your reaction to the experience, but also needs to include the following:
Where was it, and who was there?
The name of the meeting you attended, the date, the location, approximately how many people were in attendance, how long the meeting was.
-AA = Galt fellowship, January 29th, Galt, ca, 8 people. 1 hour long
-NA= Freedom group, Feb 7th, 7pm-8pm, Lodi, ca, 10 people. 1 hour long
How accessible was the meeting?
As a part of the meeting experience, write about the barriers you would experience if you were deaf, blind, or otherwise physically disabled. -both meetings had no visible signs and the windows were all covered. They were both located on busy streets. I definitely second guessed if I was even at the right place.
What was covered, and how did it tie into what you are learning?
Discuss what aspects were covered in the meeting and relate them to what you have learned in class.
-AA= made coffee and passed around candy. they each took turns reading the “big book” as well as going over the steps. every one introduced themselves before had and after. after we held hands and said a prayer
-NA= made coffee and water. we all read off of papers, one was about how it works, and another was titled we do recover. after that we all told stories about getting clean and who we hurt during addiction. after the meeting we held hands and said a prayer together.
How did it effect you?
Be sure to describe your emotional reaction to attending the twelve step meetings and talking to twelve step members. -AA= was too negative and everyone seemed depressed and miserable. I would never go back or recommend to anyone.
-NA= was more uplifting and positive, they seemed like they cared about each other. I would go back and I would recommend to others.
What was positive and what was not?
Which meetings did you emotionally react to most positively and which did you emotionally react to most negatively? Why?
-AA= I reacted more negative because everyone there seemed miserable and negative
-NA= I reacted more positively because the group was nicer, younger and more friendly
Tell us about a group member
In addition to attending the two meetings, you should also briefly speak with at least one member at each group attended.
-AA= Diana, she had just recieved her 30 day chip and was very proud of herself. She has been attending meetings daily for the last month. -NA= Mckalynn, it was her first meeting, she was shy but read aloud and told her story. the host invited her back and gave er a hug after.
attending two open meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous, describing reactions and beliefs about the relevance of self-help groups for clients with addiction issues.
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