creating a lesson plan that supports the learning taking place in the classroom by the children.
Teacher in Charge Lesson Plan:
This is the week you have been waiting for! You’ve been taking classes and learning so many amazing concepts and approaches in working with young children. You’ve been learning about developmentally age appropriate activities that are provided to scaffold the knowledge and skills of children. Now, you get to create a lesson plan that supports everything you have been learning. This week you have the opportunity to create a lesson plan that supports the learning taking place in the classroom by the children. Your lesson plan should be meaningful for the children and support their ability. Many programs often use a theme or have a guide from the curriculum they use. Connect the activities to the DRDP-R that you have experienced completing in a previous course. This assignment supports student learning objectives 1, 2, 3, and 4.Please see the attached rubric
See Lesson Plan (blank form) attachment