Discussion Topic
Read the article below and with reference also to the reading f
Discussion Topic
Read the article below and with reference also to the reading from unit1 (Watkins, D. & M. Burton (eds.), Research Methods in Law. (2nd edn, Routledge Ltd 2018), pp.23-31.) and unit 2 (Watkins, D. & M. Burton (eds.), Research Methods in Law. (2nd edn, Routledge Ltd 2018), pp.23-31; 7-23). answer the following question.
R L Schwartz ‘Internal and External Method in the Study of Law’ (1992) 11(3) Law and Philosophy 179-199
From the standpoint of social change, do you think that the purely doctrinal study of law is sufficient?
Additional Reading from untis 1&2 for sources:
M V Hoecke (ed.) Methodologies of Legal Research (Oxford, Hart Publishing 2011), 111-122
T Hutchison and N Duncan, ‘Defining the Doctrinal’, (2012) 17(1) Deakin Law Review 83
E H Tiller and F B Cross, ‘What is Legal Doctrine?’, (2006) 100(1) Northwestern University Law Review 51
M Salter and J Mason, Writing Law Dissertations: An Introduction and Guide to the Conduct of Legal Research (Harlow, Longman 2007) 5-13; 31-43.
M V Hoecke (ed.) Methodologies of Legal Research (Oxford, Hart Publishing 2011), 1-18.