Due Date
12/16/24, 11:59 PM (CST)
Discussion Board Details:
This week you watch
Due Date
12/16/24, 11:59 PM (CST)
Discussion Board Details:
This week you watched the movie Contagion, which was released in 2011, 9 years before the COVID-19 pandemic. Compare and contrast the events in the movie to those that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic.
What events in the movie mirrored actual events from the COVID-19 pandemic (or other historic pandemics)?
What events in the movie were fictitious and not likely to occur?
What is a virus?
“We are dealing with a serious virus that’s spreading rapidly, and we must be prepared to deal with it in a very sober way.” – Anthony Fauci
This week, you will be watching Contagion, a 2011 film about a virus infection that quickly develops into a pandemic, an infection that spreads worldwide. This film is one of the more scientifically accurate films about an infectious disease outbreak. As you watch the film, you’ll undoubtedly see parallels between the fictitious viral pandemic of MEV-1 and the real COVID-19 pandemic.
As such, it is a fitting cinematic venue to explore this week’s question: What is a virus?
We will learn how viruses are different from the definition of life we discussed last week. These differences are why diseases caused by viruses are distinct from those caused by other infectious agents. We will also explore how viruses can lead to pandemics and how vaccines work to prevent viral infections.
Compare and contrast a fictional pandemic to an actual pandemic.
Discuss how a global pandemic has impacted society.
Define and identify traits of viruses.
Explain how a virus leads to a pandemic.
Identify the different types of vaccines.
Web Link: https://cyberactive.bellevue.edu/ultra/courses/_533518_1/outline/launchFrame?contentId=_16402784_ https:~2F~2Fcontent.bellevue.edu~2Fcst~2FNS~2F105-ultra~2Fwk-3-articulate
Web Link: https://cyberactive.bellevue.edu/ultra/courses/_533518_1/outline/launchFrame?contentId=_16402784_ https:~2F~2Fcontent.bellevue.edu~2Fcst~2FNS~2F105-ultra~2Fwk-3-articulate