“Exploring Post-Graduate Career Opportunities: A Job Search and Alignment with Career Plan”
This week we are exploring aspects of the job. Having prepared your resume and career plan:
Please conduct an online career search for a post-graduate job or other position of interest that fits your career plan (whether soon or farther in the future). If you have nothing in mind at the moment, search for a fit for a hypothetical “dream job.”
In your initial post, share at least one job posting from your search in the discussion, including a hyperlink. Explain in your post:
how you went about your search (e.g. databases you used, key search terms, etc.); and
how this job position aligns with your career plan that you posted in last week’s discussion (or the “dream job”).
In your responses to classmates, please ask questions designed to probe for more information and insight.
initial discussion 500 words
and two template 100 word discussion generic responses