how our understandings of magic, science, and religion change when we take questions of power into consideration, and examine these concepts from the point of view of colonized and marginalized peoples, rather than normative, socially dominant,

how our understandings of magic, science, and religion change when we take questions of power into consideration, and examine these concepts from the point of view of colonized and marginalized peoples, rather than normative, socially dominant,

How have your understandings of magic, science, and religion changed over the past several weeks of this course? Think about one or more of these sub-questions:
How might our understandings of these concepts change when we take questions of power into consideration, and examine these concepts from the point of view of colonized and marginalized peoples, rather than normative, socially dominant, religions?
How might our understandings of these concepts change when we think of religions as defined more by practice, ritual, and experience, rather than belief and dogma?
How can how understanding these concepts from a different point of view help make the familiar strange by making strange familiar? <
Finally, what is the relevance of these concepts for our current world? Think about one or more of these sub-questions:
How do these concepts reinforce worldviews?
How do these concepts have consequences that affect real world outcomes?
How can we use these concepts to dismantle systemic oppressions? <
In your response, I want you to demonstrate your understanding of the concepts and information in the assigned readings and films that we’ve studied this term.
This means you should include references to at least THREE sources from at least TWO different Units from the assigned readings and/or films, including: <
Anthropology of Religion Intro (Winkleman & Baker)
The Dawn of Everything (Graeber & Wengrow)
Trobriand Islanders (Malinowski)
Baseball Culture (Gmelch)
The Nacirema (Miner)
Science, Religion and Evolution Resources (National Academies of Sciences)
7 Misused Science Words (Ghose)
Cosmos (Sagan)
Scientific Paradigms (Kuhn and/or Nickles)
Shamanism (Vitebsky)
Buryat Shamanism film (Bernstein)
Ndembu Ritual (Turner)
Ojibwa Ontology (Hallowell)
Native American Sacred Places (LaDuke)
Native American Traditions (Pluralism Project)
In the Light of Reverence film (McLeod)
Haitian Vodou: Mama Lola (Brown)
Haitian Vodou: Legacy of the Spirits film (Kramer)
Yoruba/Orisha Religions (Oládém?)
Osun-Osogbo Pilgrimage film (Feiler)
Hmong Culture & Western/American Medical Culture (Fadiman)
YOU SHOULD ALSO PICK at least ONE of the “EXTRA” articles or videos.
By “EXTRA” I mean an article or video (written or produced by someone besides me) that was:
labeled as “EXTRA” and linked to in the modules; OR
something I posted to the twitter pageLinks to an external site. I use for this class; OR
something I linked to in a discussion post Feedback DocLinks to an external site.
(NOT just one of the other assigned readings)
In selecting which sources you will discuss, consider:
Why are the specific examples you describe significant (or interesting) and how do they support your thesis?
How do their differences & similarities support your thesis?
What did these authors teach us about magic, science, and/or religion?
Please do NOT use “outside” sources. Only use sources from the assigned & recommended “extra” sources from the course (unless approved by me in advance)
ALSO: You may use my Video Lectures & Feedback Docs as sources. BUT! You should only use these for information that wasn’t also in one of the assigned readings or other videos. Look for info in the assigned sources (the ones produced by other people) first, and then only use the Video Lectures for additional info not in the main assigned sources. If you do use info from a Video Lecture or Feedback Doc, be sure to put these statements in “quotation marks” and cite them (in this case, just my last name & the # of the lecture or feedback doc will be adequate). You may also quote yourself from previous written responses for this class, but do so sparingly, and use citations.
Include a strong thesis statement. This means I want you to identify and articulate a key point, idea, or argument. (Although not absolutely required, you would be well advised to try to put it in the form of my “template” (

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