My Journey of Cognitive Development: A Personal Reflection My Journey of Cognitive Development: A Personal Reflection Growing up in a large family of ten children, I was constantly surrounded by opportunities for cognitive development. From an early age, my parents instilled in “The Game Changers: How Instructors and Loved Ones Influenced My Cognitive Development”

My Journey of Cognitive Development: A Personal Reflection

My Journey of Cognitive Development: A Personal Reflection

Growing up in a large family of ten children, I was constantly surrounded by opportunities for cognitive development. From an early age, my parents instilled in “The Game Changers: How Instructors and Loved Ones Influenced My Cognitive Development”

Please make this paper seem like you are writing about your personal cognitve development, like what you personally experienced.
Information:Cognitive processes refer tochanges in theindividual’s thought, intelligence, and language.
Directions: For this distinctive paper on cognitive development, the student will write about anything
related to their personal cognitive development, and reflective of their personal “dash” – their life. That
is, the student will write about themselves, and their human growth and development, respective of their
cognitive development only. The focus of this paper is cognitive development – changes in the
individual’s thought, intelligence, and language.
The student’s paper must reflect that they fully understand the concept of cognitive development and
relative to their lifespan. That is – if I was telling my life story on my cognitive development, how might
that story go, and/or how would I want it to read?
Note: The paper can include future/strategies re: cognitive development, e.g., plans to take courses to
learn or perfect hobbies, read books, etc.
Examples of paper “themes”:
1) Write about life “before school”, and perhaps the strategies and tools that were used to aid in
your cognitive development. Ex.: My earliest “schooling”, and to develop my thoughts,
intelligence, and language came from the five older siblings that arrived before me, as well as my
mother. Most all chores or challenges we were introduced to had a “critical thinking” component,
where we were quizzed. One of my earliest memories of cognitive development was that of
counting back change, and without a calculator. My mother would send me in the store with
dollar bills, and I had to be responsible for the correct change. When the correct change was not
tendered by the cashier (which my mother always checked for), she would require me to figure it
out, and return to the store to explain it to the cashier. I can recall this occurring when I was
about eight-years-old.
My mother was an avid reader, and if I woke early enough, I could always catch her reading the
newspaper from cover-to-cover. As she would read her newspaper, and in hopes of enjoying
some quiet time before all 10 children awoke, she would instruct me to read a story she picked
out and with preparation to summarize it for her. Once again, thoughts and thought processes
were being developed, as was language.
2) Write about progression through school, and the cognitive challenges that you overcame, and/or
still struggle with. What strategies do you utilize to bring about your development? Ex.: My
earliest recollection of elementary school and a struggle had to do with my inability to write the
numeral five (5). For some reason my brain did not connect with the straight lines and curve.
My elementary school teacher dotted out a page full of the numeral for me to literally “connect
the dots”, which I did, on paper and in my brain. To this day, when I write the number five, I
Directions-DASH Paper 3 2/18/2024 9:30 AM
often recall that lesson, further recognizing that with effort and practice the brain can indeed rise
to the occasion.
I might write a paragraph on elementary, another on middle school and then one on high school
and how I learned. You can write about your favorite teacher BUT you must relay it to how that
teacher effected your learning. What/how did the teacher aid in your thoughts/thoughts
processes? Perhaps they gave a challenging assignment, from which you grew in thought. I can
recall an experiment we did in sixth grade that “sealed the deal” as far as my understanding of
Recall, you are writing about your “development”. You must write about how you “developed”
…. grew in thought, thought processes, and/or language. Ex.: I struggled with math, and not
because I could not do it – I just was not interested. I could easily write a page or two on how I
developed the skill of math, later teaching it at the college.
3) If you wish, you can focus on instructors or family/friends who “changed the game” re: your
cognitive development. Make certain you are not writing about their personal attributes (sweet,
etc.), rather what they did which brought about “development”, or cognitive growth. What
strategies did they use to bring about change in your development?

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