Ensuring organizational policy alignment and adherence to laws and reg
Ensuring organizational policy alignment and adherence to laws and regulations is critical for mitigating corporate risks, such as patient falls, medication errors, cyber hacks and PHI data breaches, and infection control. Maintaining compliant policies protects the organization’s operations and stakeholders.
In this assignment, evaluate the 2012 Hahnemann University Hospital’s Falls Prevention and Resource PolicyLinks to an external site., and propose revisions to align it with current standards and guidelines. You will need to conduct additional research to identify the latest industry standards, guidelines, and regulatory requirements and use your findings to inform your revision recommendations.
Imagine you are a healthcare administrator at Hahnemann University Hospital, and you’ve been asked to develop an executive summary for the organization’s board members.
Prepare a 3-5-page executive summary proposal in which you:
Identify areas in the Hahnemann policy requiring updates or additions based on changes in HIPAA and PHI since 2012. Read about these changes to HIPAA and PHI in the textbook or other high-quality sources such as journals and government websites.
Propose revisions to align the policy with current standards and guidelines.
Evaluate the impact of the proposed policy changes on potential litigation, considering the reasons for the changes and the threats they help mitigate.
Summarize your perspective on how the proposed revisions impact stakeholders and the organization’s overall compliance. Consider any additional adjustments you would make, addressing further gaps or limitations in your revised policy, or recommending additional approaches to enhance its effectiveness.
Cite at least 3 peer-reviewed articles less than five years old to support your analysis, including in-text citations. Use proper SWS formatting.
Meet clarity, writing mechanics, and SWS formatting requirements.
Formatting Requirements
Subheadings: Use bold subheadings to divide the report into sections that correspond to the areas listed in the instructions.
Length: Ensure that your proposal consists of 3-5 pages, plus a title page and sources page, making the total length of the executive summary 5-7 pages.
Citations: This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS).
The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
Revise a health care policy to align it with current standards and guidelines.