researching a topic related to US history prior to 1865 and writing an argumentative essay about it.
Learning Goal: I’m working on an english report and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.
You will be graded on…
The accuracy of your research as it relates to each of your research topic
The scope of your research, meaning rather your research is broad vs.
The validity of your reflection and reasoning, meaning is your argument strong or weak? Is it well supported: examples, descriptions, reasons, and explanations
CONGRESS- If you had one hour to sit down and interview any member of congress prior to 1865, who would it be?
Barbara Walters was known for spending months developing questions prior to an interview. Oprah Winfrey’s reputation proceeds her when it comes to asking thoughtful and consequential questions.
Therefore, your interview questions must be submitted with your argument. Tip: Develop them as you research.
RULING- If you could write a letter to any group of sitting justices, prior to 1865, to argue the perniciousness of their Supreme Court decision, what would you say? To truly understand this topic, you must first research some of the most transformative, noteworthy, and even catastrophic rulings in U.S. history.
ERA- If you could exist during any era prior to 1865, what time frame would it be? This era could have had great impact or influence on our nation.
ERA- If you could exist during any era prior to 1865, what time frame would it be? This era could have had great impact or influence on our nation.
EVENT- If you could have witnessed an historical event prior to 1865, which event would that have been? Step outside of your comfort zone to allow yourself to reflect in a more profound way.
DINNER- With guaranteed acceptance, of course, pre-1865- if you could invite 5 historical figures to dinner, who would they be? The significance of your guest is up to you; however, they must be researchable.
Thoughtfully explain your position
Extensively describe your event, person(s), era, or legislature
Thoroughly explain why it has such a particular feature or characteristic
Provide indisputable supporting details: examples, reasons, explanations, A STRONG ARGUMENT WILL…
Thoughtfully explain your position
Extensively describe your event, person(s), era, or legislature
Thoroughly explain why it has such a particular feature or characteristic
Provide indisputable supporting details: examples, reasons, explanations,
Convincingly explain why you made each selection or chose each person.
Elaborate on its or their impact in that region, era, or event.
Clarify why it or they are important to
U.S. history and the historical significance
No direct quotes can be used in this writing assignment= Accurately paraphrase
A minimum of 3 sources: [Note:
Categorize your research by topic on
Works Cited page]
No direct quotes can be used in this writing assignment= Accurately paraphrase
A minimum of 15 sources: three sources per topic are required [Note:
Categorize your research by topic on
Works Cited page]
At least one of your three sources, per topic, must be a “peer reviewed journal article”
Each topic paragraph must be labeled in bold print prior to the start of your
Parenthetical citations are required throughout your paper to support your arguments, ex. Macintosh, 2019, pg.
Single spaced
Times New Roman minimum 400-word count response per topic not included in essay word count
1-inch margins [Always align your paper left]
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Take advantage of the opportunity to review your Safe Assign report, make any necessary corrections, and resubmit
Utilize outside resources, such as,
Proof-read your paper multiple times prior to submission and consider having a trusted family member or friend proof-read your paper
Start researching now!