simulating an airport where 8 planes go out on tours repeatedly.
You must do this project in fedora linux using C++ and use the command terminal as well. I will provide you the instructions here and as a file. This project is due 11/9/23 at 11:59p.m. You must provide me with instructions on how to compile this program and if you can make a Makefile that would be easier for me. I would greatly appreciate it if you could send me a video of you running the program so we dont have complications. The project is half finished beacuse it came with code that simulates the aircrafts I would suggest running what I provide you with first so you get an idea of what you have so far. I will also provide a video of what the program should look like once completed. I will provide this video once someone accepts this assignment.
You will be simulating an airport where 8 planes go out on tours repeatedly. Each tour will be
for exactly 12 passengers and last approximately 30 seconds. In performing the simulation,
you must make sure that no plane tries to leave a gate with less (or more) than 12 passengers
and that no plane lands or takes off at the same time as another plane is landing or taking off.
The first thing your program should do is read the following from the command line (in the
order specified):
• the total number of passengers that are in the airport.
• the sum total number of tours that all of the planes are to do. (NOT the number of tours
that each plane is to do, the total number of tours that all planes will do when their
number of completed tours is added together.)
You should then create 8 new threads, each one representing a (uniquely numbered) plane; the
main function should wait for all of the threads to complete and then exit. Each thread
represents an airplane, and should repeatedly follow these steps:
1. board. Waits for 12 passengers to get on the plane. Between each available passenger
boarding a random delay of between 0 and 2 seconds should be enforced. This can be
accomplished by calling sleep(rand()%3) after each passenger boards.
2. The associated plane should then be shown taxi-ing to the runway. See the provided
AirportAnimator class !
3. The associate plane should then use the runway to take off, animating such (see the
provided AirportAnimator class!) Of course, the plane should wait for exclusive access
to the runway.
4. The plane should then go on tour. This basically just sleeps for between 15 and 45
seconds, and can be accomplished by calling sleep(15+rand()%31).
5. The plane should then request to land. Once exclusive access to the runway is granted
to land, the plane landing should be animated (See the provided AirportAnimator class!)
6. The plane should then taxi back to its gate. See the provided AirportAnimator class!
7. Each passenger should then deplane and thus be returned to the “pool” of available
passengers. There should be a 1 second delay between each passenger deplaning.
After completing the above steps, you should update the number of completed tours (keeping
in mind that two planes could conceivably attempt to do so at the same time) and go back to
step 1 only if the number of tours required was not yet completed! Otherwise, the thread
should return. Don’t forget to use the provided AirportAnimator class!
You should appropriately update the status of the individual planes as each step is being
Problem Details
• This problem once again requires that you use a Linux machine to complete !
• You are being provided with code to display the requested animations. Do not wast time
trying to re-invent the wheel!
• Should you have to stop your program (via either ctrl-C or ctrl-Z), you may find the resulting
terminal in an unusable state. Typing reset (which may not be visible as you type it) should
fix the underlying problem.
You should post to Canvas both your C++ source code file(s) and a plain text file (not an
MS Word file) called in a zip or tgz file. Make sure the “root” of your submission
is a folder (not just a collection of files.)
The file should contain:
• your name and any other identifying information.
• any special details on how to compile your project
• any special details on how to run your project – note that you cannot circumvent the project
specifications here!
• any known bugs your project has, and possible fixes to those bugs (partial credit abounds
• an overview of how you solved the project.
• You may put any other information you like in this file, although you are not required to do
so – one common additional set of entries is a “software engineering log” that indicates what
you have done every time you sat down and worked on the project. Many programmers find
that such actually helps you to finish projects faster!
The file MUST also contain the answers to the following questions:
1. Try running your program with only 11 passengers. What happens? Why?
2. Try running your program with 12 passengers. What happens? Why?
3. Try running your program with 50 passengers and 100 tours. What happens? why?
4. Try running your program with 100 passengers and 20 tours. What happens? Why?
5. What is the minimum number of passengers that will guarantee avoidance of
deadlock? Why?