What Is Life? “It is notoriously difficult to define the word living.” – Francis

What Is Life?
“It is notoriously difficult to define the word living.” – Francis

What Is Life?
“It is notoriously difficult to define the word living.” – Francis Crick
Favorite Food: chicken nuggets
This week you will be watching The Andromeda Strain, a 1971 film based on the book by Michael Crichton first published in 1969. The story deals with a probe that returns to Earth carrying a presumably extraterrestrial microorganism. The probe is accidentally opened by a town doctor and the film shows the tragic outcome of the event. One key plot element is the identification of the organism itself, which brings us to the key question for this week: What is life?
Download the Week 2 Assignment Worksheet. Use it to guide your learning throughout this week as you read the course readings and videos on the characteristics of life. Then apply these characteristics as you watch the movie The Andromeda Strain. You will then upload your completed Worksheet as an attachment for Assignment 2.3.
Web Link:https://content.bellevue.edu/cst/NS/105-ultra/wk-2-articulate/content/#/
The Andromeda Strain
Chilling tale about a US research satellite carrying a deadly extraterrestrial microscopic organism that crashes into a small town in Arizona. A group of top scientists are hurriedly assembled in a bid to identify and contain the lethal stowaway. Based on the novel by Michael Crichton.
In order to complete your assignments for this week, you will need to watch the following movie by clicking on the link below and signing into Bellevue Digital Campus using your Blackboard username and password:
Movie Link:https://digitalcampus-swankmp-net.ezproxy.bellevue.edu/bellevue267968/play/33362a50941e37d6?referrer=direct

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